Amayra Gupta
7 min readFeb 7, 2019


Quinoa is an exotic cereal, gaining popularity everywhere as one of the superfoods. Supporters of a healthy diet claim that it significantly bypasses the traditional for our regions in the composition and properties of cereals, and also has almost no contraindications. Let’s look at what are the beneficial properties of quinoa for women, men and children, is it possible to eat it in various diseases and how to make the product even more useful with the help of germination. What is useful and so popular quinoa groats?

Quinoa in Hindi

The historical birthplace of quinoa is considered the largest lake in South America — Titicaca.

Also Read About Quinoa health Benefits in Hindi or Quinoa benefits in Hindi.


Quinoa is the rich source of Protein having a combination of all 9 essential Amino Acids. However, due to their small size and external similarity with grains, they are perceived as cereals. Therefore, they are called croup.

What does quinoa look like? These are rounded grains. As a rule, they have a traditional cereal color: cream, grayish-brown. Sometimes there are black and red grains, but they do not differ in taste and culinary characteristics. Groats are similar in appearance to barley, millet, and round grain rice.

Types of Quinoa


The complex of substances BJU in a dry product has the following proportions:

  • Carbohydrates: 64.2 g;
  • Fat: 6.1 g;
  • Proteins: 14.1 g;
  • Dietary fiber: 7 g;
  • Ash substances: 2.38 g;
  • Calories: 368 kcal.

Quinoa cereals: vitamins and minerals comprising:

  • vitamin A — 1 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) — 0.36 mg;
  • Riboflavin (B2) — 0.318 mg;
  • choline (B4) — 70.2 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) — 0.772 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) — 0.487 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) — 183 µg;
  • alpha-tocopherol (E) — 2.44 mg;
  • vitamin PP — 1.52 mg;
  • betaine — 630 mg;
  • potassium — 563 mg;
  • calcium — 47 mg;
  • magnesium — 197 mg;
  • sodium — 5 mg;
  • phosphorus — 457 mg;
  • iron — 4.57 mg;
  • manganese — 2.033 mg;
  • copper — 590 mcg;
  • selenium — 8.5 mcg;
  • Zinc — 3.1 mg.

The protein fraction of cereals also contains a number of replaceable and essential acids (a total of 18 acids). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (3.3 g per 100 g) and monounsaturated (1.6 g per 100 g) constitute the largest share in fats. Linoleic, oleic and palmitic acids have a large mass fraction.


Useful action:

  1. Due to the presence of lysine in the composition enhances calcium absorption and accelerates the healing of tissues.
  2. Improves the digestive system.
  3. It stabilizes the work of the nervous system: it softens the effect of stress-forming factors, strengthens sleep, removes distraction and irritability.
  4. Due to the presence of phytic acid in the composition increases the anti-cancer functions of the immune system and reduces cholesterol.
  5. It helps to quickly restore physical and emotional tone after surgery, illness.
  6. It prevents the development of arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases.
  7. It serves as a source of easily digestible vegetable protein, it is necessary for the growth of muscle mass, the development of a child’s body and the nutrition of pregnant women.
  8. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and arterial hypertension.


By eating rice quinoa grains, the body’s need for minerals and vitamins is well satisfied. The largest share relative to the average daily consumption for an adult is:

  • Iron (25%). It supports blood formation, production of lymphocytes and enzymes. It is necessary for the stable functioning of the thyroid gland and the passage of nerve impulses. During pregnancy — an important element for the development of the bone and brain of the fetus.
  • Potassium (23%). Supports water-salt balance, blood pressure, kidney function. Prevents leaching of calcium from the bones. Regulates heart rate. Lack of potassium disrupts oxygen supply to the brain.
  • Magnesium (49%). The most important element for the stable operation of the nervous system and the maintenance of cognitive functions. Keeps heart and bones healthy. It stabilizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and glucose. Facilitates the transfer of premenstrual syndrome for women.
  • Phosphorus (57%). It supports the hardness of the skeleton and bones, the strength of cell membranes is involved in metabolic processes. Deficiency during pregnancy leads to delayed embryo development.
  • Zinc (26%). A key element in the fight against fungi and infections. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the internal organs. It supports the health of the reproductive system.
  • Manganese (101%). Strengthens the function of thiamine, helps the formation of hormones in the thyroid gland. Essential for healthy bone development, stable functioning of the nervous system and preservation of the effectiveness of the immune system.
  • Copper (59%). It has anti-inflammatory, redox effect. Maintains bone strength, stimulates collagen production.
  • Selenium (15.5%). One of the best antioxidants that help preserve youth and beauty. It is also one of the main “weapons” of the body in the fight against antioxidants, leading to the development of oncology.


In general, like any product with a high content of dietary fibre, quinoa has a positive effect on the bowels. Non-digestible constituents are folded into a pulp that passes through the intestines like a brush. First, it increases the efficiency of elimination of food ballast, and secondly, the fibres have a massage effect on the walls of the body, increasing blood flow. In turn, a good blood flow improves the absorption of useful substances, improves the muscular work of the intestine.


Quinoa grass has a high content of oxalic acid products (oxalates), so a patient with pancreatitis or cholecystitis should be treated with caution. In normal condition, its use should be limited to 1–2 times a week in the form of ground porridges or boiled soups. And during the exacerbation of diseases, it is desirable to completely abandon the pseudo-tear.


Rice quinoa is not among the characteristic “female” products that have a directional beneficial effect, but its use is still useful. First of all, this product will appeal to supporters of healthy lifestyles and vegetarian food, because it contains a lot of vegetable protein, well digestible digestive tract. The high content of vitamins of group B supports psycho-emotional tone and reduces the stress on the nervous system caused by stress. Also, the product softens the flow of PMS and menopause syndromes.

Due to the high content of strong antioxidant components (selenium, manganese, vitamin E), the use of cereals also reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.


For Russian physicians, the South American croup is still poorly studied, so they advise pregnant women to use it with great care. On the one hand, the product is rich in folic acid, which is one of the key vitamins for the healthy formation of the fetus. On the other hand, a large mass fraction of carbohydrates and dietary fibres often provoke the formation of gases in the intestine. This can lead to a deterioration of the child’s well-being due to the compression of the fetus.

During the breastfeeding period, it is better to limit the amount of cereal in the daily ration to 50–100 grams.


For male health in this cereal, two characteristics are valuable — high nutritional value and high content of easily digestible protein. The first provides energy for prolonged mental and physical labor, and the second — improves the work and recovery of muscles after power loads. Therefore, first and foremost, exotic American croup is useful for athletes and those who work with their hands.


For a child’s diet, foods with a high content of protein elements are always beneficial. The presence of a dozen essential amino acids in quinoa suggests that this croup helps the young body to confidently grow and grow. But, as elsewhere, there is a need to adhere to a rational framework. Children under 14 is better not to use more than 100 grams of product per day.

For babies under 2 years old, it is better not to give this cereal at all. At this age, the intestinal walls are very permeable, and the body does not cope well with detoxification. So there may be poisoning due to the presence of saponins in the food.


The grass of the Andes is useful for people with type 2 diabetes because it has a low glycemic index (35–50) and is well saturated. In addition, there are few fast-absorbing carbohydrates, which provoke jumps in the level of glucose in the blood after eating food. Despite this, before adding a product to the diet and with its regular use should consult with your doctor and take tests, correcting insulin intake.

Another well-known element that does not contain quinoa-croup is gluten. Because of this, cereal is available for use for people with celiac disease. Of course, this should take into account contraindications associated with other diseases.

Also Read About Health Benefits of Quinoa in Hindi here.

