Breast Cancer Causes, symptoms and Treatment in Hindi

Amayra Gupta
4 min readNov 23, 2018


Breast Cancer Symptoms in Hindi

Breast cancer- The thought of breast cancer can send shivers down your spine. It is a rather common form of cancer, which can lead to many complications and adverse effects. Moreover, it can affect women of any age, and sometimes it can affect teens too. Changes in the shape of the mammary gland, nipple engagement, skin wrinkling, nipple discharge (often bloody), palpation of seals, nodules, an increase in supraclavicular or axillary lymph nodes are the main symptoms of Breast Cancer or Breast Cancer symptoms in Hindi. The prognosis of treatment depends on the extent of the process and the histological structure of a tumor.

Breast Cancer In India

India continues to have a very low survival rate for breast cancer, total 66.1% of women were diagnosed with this disease between 2010 and 2014 surviving, a Lancet study discovered. The reason why the survival rate of breast cancer is very low in India — Lack of knowledge and awareness about breast cancer and other cancer treatment is very low. Most of the people diagnosed it at third or four stages where treatment is difficult and there is a very low normal screening of breast cancer in Indian Women. There should be a screening of breast cancer on a normal routine in healthcare like western countries.

Currently, breast cancer is “subdivided into more than 30 forms”. The most common forms are- Nodular crayfish (Unicentric and multicentric) and diffuse cancer (includes edematous-infiltrative and mastitis-like forms). Rare forms include Paget’s disease and breast cancer in men.

Causes of Breast Cancer

Certain factors contribute to the development of breast cancer:

  • in the vast majority of breast cancer occurs in women, the occurrence of malignant tumors in men is 100 times less common;
  • most often breast cancer develops in women after 35 years;
  • increases the likelihood of malignant breast disease complicated by gynaecological history: menstrual disorders, hyperplastic and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, infertility, lactation disorders ;
  • breast cancer reveals a certain genetic dependence: malignant tumors that occur in close relatives, lactic-ovarian syndrome, cancer-associated genodermatosis etc.
  • endocrine and metabolic disorders: obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, chronic arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, pathologies of the liver, pancreas, immunodeficiency.
  • non-specific carcinogenic factors: smoking, chemical poisons, a high-calorie unbalanced diet rich in carbohydrates and poor in proteins, ionizing radiation, work in incompatibility with biorhythms

Breast Cancer Symptoms

In the early stages, breast cancer does not manifest itself, palpation can detect a dense formation in the gland tissue. Most often this education is noticed by a woman during self-examination, or it is detected by mammography, breast ultrasound, other diagnostic methods during preventive measures. Without appropriate treatment, the tumor progresses, increases germinates in the subcutaneous tissue, skin, and muscles of the chest. Metastases affect regional lymph nodes. With the flow of blood, cancer cells enter other organs and tissues. Breast cancer most often spreads metastases to the lungs, liver, and brain. The necrotic disintegration of the tumor, malignant damage to other organs leads to death.

Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer treatment is usually started with determining the type of surgery. Your doctor may recommend treatment for Radiation Therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy after surgery. The main motive of these additional therapies is to reduce the risk of having cancer again or spreading in other parts of the body.

Treatment options are given below -

Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy is generally performed after lactactomy. Any cancer cell survives after Lactactomy is treated with the help of radiation therapy. Radiation therapy decreases the risk of cancer cell growth again up to 25 percent.

Chemotherapy: In some cases, Chemotherapy is recommended without surgery, so that large tumors can be contracted so that it can be easily removed in surgery. Chemotherapy is usually necessary when cancer is repetitive.

Hormonal Therapy: Medicines like aromatase inhibitors are the types of hormonal therapy. These drugs include Anastrazole (Arimidex), ExemeStane (Aromasin) and Letrozole. Apart from the ovary, stopping the formation of estrogen in all other tissues reduces the amount of estrogen in the body. These medicines are very beneficial in women with menopause because, after the menopause, the formation of estrogen stops.

Breast Cancer Prevention

The most reliable measure of prevention of breast cancer is a regular examination of women by a breast specialist, monitoring the state of the reproductive system, and monthly self-examination. All women over 35 need to have a mammogram.

Timely detection of genital pathologies, hormonal imbalance, metabolic diseases, avoiding the action of carcinogenic factors help reduce the risk of breast cancer

