Dengue Fever- Causes symptoms and effective Treatments
Dengue is a disease caused by a virus which spreads to people with mosquitoes. The best way to prevent dengue virus infection is to take precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. The symptoms of dengue fever include the fever (high, 104 F 105 F), skin rash, and pain (headaches and often severe muscular and joint pain). Dengue is termed as a “breakbone fever” or “dandruff fever” because abnormal intense muscular and joints pain, in the attempt to reduce the pain of their body, the condition of the body or the exaggerated walking Can be able to accept it.
Causes of Dengue: Dengue is caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and is caused by one of the four dengue viruses.
Symptoms of Dengue: The Dengue symptoms in hindi include the common ones such as fever, nausea, vomiting, body ache, fatigue as well as strange occurrences such as redness and rashes and mild bleeding from the mouth and gums.
Treatments for Dengue: There is no specific medicine to treat dengue infection. If you think you may have dengue fever, you should use pain relievers with acetaminophen and avoid medicines with aspirin, which could worsen bleeding.