Does Apple seed contains Cyanide?
In our childhood many times we heard a very popular saying-”An Apple in a day keeps a doctor away” but, do you know that the chewing apple seed can be harmful to you(Apple seed cyanide). Yes, you heard it right. Apple is one of the healthiest fruit in the world, while its seed contain “Amygdalin” which contain Cyanide in inactive form. Amygdalin releases cyanide when it comes in contact with human digestive enzymes. Amygdalin contains cyanide and sugar which when ingested by the body gets converted into hydrogen cyanide (HCN). This cyanide can make you sick and can even kill you. But acute toxicity is rare with accidental ingestion of seeds.This same nutritious fruit can turn fatal. Cyanide is a harmful gas. On an average if a person chewing 200 apple seeds it can lead to the enough cyanide of cause to death, if you chew 1 seed of apple then don’t worry it is not harmful to you. Some symptoms of Cyanide Toxicity are-
2.Stomach Cramps
6.Cardiac Arrest
7.Respiratory Failure
8.Coma etc.