Gas And Bloating Treatment with the help of Acupressure Therapy

Amayra Gupta
2 min readNov 22, 2018


Acupressure Points for Gas and Bloating

We Indians are the food lover and we love to eat different dishes. But sometimes eating too much can disturb your stomach. This problem can easily be resolved with the help of Acupressure Therapy. Acupressure technology treats many diseases of the body, including problems related to digestion. If you want to strengthen digestive power or are suffering from any problem related to it, it may be good to get Acupressure’s help.

There are several acupressure points in the body which suppresses the benefits of different diseases. But it is very important to have accurate information about these points. If you have any problems associated with digestion, it also affects the body’s metabolism. Let’s know what are those points (Acupressure points for gas and bloating) -

In the upper part of the stomach

Massage your upper part of the abdomen (Rn12) thirty times with the help of middle finger. Perform this process thirty times.

Middle of the abdomen

With the help of middle fingers, press the upper part of the stomach in the middle line and then release. Do this process thirty times.

Both sides of the navel

Press the two sides of the navel with the fingers of both hands then rub it down to the lower part of the stomach. Perform this process thirty times.

In back

There are two acupressure points on both sides of your back which increase digestive power.

In both hands

There is also a point between the middle of the wrists of both of your hands (Pc6). Press this point of the wrists of both hands thirty times.

Both feet

Both feet have a point called “St36” under the knees, pressing thirty-thirty every day. It will strengthen your digestive power and remove problems related to it.

With the help of these acupressure points, you can increase the digestion power and overcome all problems associated with constipation, gas, and stomach. When you adopt the process of acupressure, the pressure you put on points, you feel numbness and pain, while rubbing should be a feeling of warmth.

