Treat Your Back Pain with The Help Of Acupressure

Amayra Gupta
2 min readOct 30, 2018


Acupressure Points for Back Pain

Back pain or lower back pain is very common usually in women. Every four people out of five experienced acute back pain at least once in their lives. The various physiological causes of these pains are not yet fully understood, though there is no doubt that the main reason for back pain is monotonous and often difficult homework. Most of the back pain is associated with stress, incorrect postures, accidents or weak abdominal muscles.

Chronic back pain can be treated with the help of Acupressure therapy. Acupressure is one of the natural way to heal back pain. In the human body, acupressure points are the places on the skin that are sensitive to bioelectrical impulses in the body. Acupressure Points not only heal the Back Pain but also prevent the Back Pain to rise again. Acupressure Points can heal the back pain if the pressure points are applied in daily routine. The effectiveness of acupressure can be enhanced by a healthy diet and proper use of heat. Also, it is very necessary to perform simple exercises for the back to prevent the occurrence of such problems.

Some Acupressure points for back pain are given below-

  1. Foot Point: Press into your outer ankle, on Urinary Bladder

2. Hand Point: Press the fleshy point between your pointer finger and your thumb with the large intestine

3. Knee Point: Press into the back of your knee crease for Urinary Bladder

4. Hip Point: Press into your Butt to stimulate the GAllbladder

5. Lower Back Point: Press into your lower middle back, on Urinary Bladder.

6. Elbow Point

7. Stomach Point



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